Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. This is mostly due to the causes of vehicle emmissions, farmland runoff, and factory pollution. ClearVue's mission was to create an interactive outlet that highlights the effects of these causes on the temperature of the planet, and presents a visual simulation of user input data.

Adjust the average percentage of cars, factories, and farms in the United States with the sliders above. Then click the "Simulation" button to see how temperature in each state would be affected with those parameters. The simulation runs for 10 years displaying every month of the year. Follow the provided key for reference with temperatures.

About the Team

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Matthew Iandoli is a Computer Science major at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in his Sophomore year, looking to head into software engineering. Other than programming, he can be found play sports, video games, or solving a Rubik's cube.

Michael Bosik is a sophomore at Worcester Polytechnic Institute double majoring in Computer Science and Interactive Median & Game Development. His passions include programming, watching movies, and playing in Virtual Reality.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the paleoclimate record is the strong correspondence between temperature and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere observed during the glacial cycles of the past several hundred thousand years. When the carbon dioxide concentration goes up, temperature goes up. When the carbon dioxide concentration goes down, temperature goes down. A small part of the correspondence is due to the relationship between temperature and the solubility of carbon dioxide in the surface ocean, but the majority of the correspondence is consistent with a feedback between carbon dioxide and climate. These changes are expected if Earth is in radiative balance, and they are consistent with the role of greenhouse gases in climate change.